The Pakistan rupee on Thursday recovered Rs 2.72 against the US dollar in the interbank trading and closed at Rs 226.15 against the previous day’s closing of Rs 228.79.
According to the Forex Association of Pakistan (FAP), the buying and selling rates of dollars in the open market were recorded at Rs 217 and Rs 220 respectively.
The price of Euro decreased by Rs 2.83 and closed at Rs 230.24 against the last day’s closing of Rs 233.07.
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The Japanese Yen lost 03 paisa to close at Rs 1.68, whereas a decrease of Rs 3.86 was witnessed in the exchange rate of the British Pound, which was traded at Rs 274.91 as compared to its last closing of Rs 278.77.
The exchange rates of Emirates Dirham and Saudi Riyal decreased by 71 paisa each to close at Rs 61.57 and Rs 60.18 respectively.